Now, HOLD (Keep pressed) ALT key and press 0 1 7 3 (Press the numbers one after the another. Do not keep them pressed) on the NUMBER PAD (on the right side of the keyboard).
If you are using a laptop, just press [i] in the text box.
This is used to send scraps to all the friend's in your list in Internet Explorer.
1.Extract the files from the rar file,Open with Internet Explorer.You can send scraps for the selected one's or to all your friend's at a time.
2. Download Ajay's Scrap All from the link given here.
3. Remember that you are downloading this file from a third party website which is not under the control of Orkutrix.
4. Click here for detailed discussion on how to use Scrap All
5. If you have any queries, post in the same thread.
You can now post messages to all or selected orkut communities which you have joined by using the following program.
1.Extract the files from the rar file,Open with Internet Explorer.You can send posts for the selected one's or to all the Communities at a time.
2. Download Ajay's Community Posts from the link given here.
3. Remember that you are downloading this file from a third party website which is not under the control of Orkutrix.
4. Click here for detailed discussion on how to use Community Posts
5. If you have any queries, post in the same thread.
Just to have a solid proof of this addition, you will like to check this link - Orkut.Com/Formatting.Tips.Just check out "Scraps to Friends" Section. Here is an extract from the same :
1.Add images -Copy and paste urls ending in .jpg, .gif, .png or .bmp and the image will appear in the scrap. for example,
2.Add videos from YouTube and Google Video - Copy and paste the url and the video will appear in the scrap. for example,
3.Add podcast/audio - Copy and paste the url of an audio file and an audio player will appear in the scrap. for example,
4.Add html-embeddable objects - Create or upload your content at sites such as,, or Copy and paste the html embed code to share it with your friends.
You can hide your orkut profile name with this new trick. The old trick alt+0173 does not work anymore.
Follow this simple steps to make yourself invisible on orkut:
Click on the above blank textbox,
Press Ctrl+C(for copying),
Open your orkut profile edit page.
Then in the name and last name text box. Pres Ctrl+V or you can Right Click and Paste.
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